iLuvU App Help

iLuvU mobile app allows users to record and share personal luv notes to other users using their username.

Get Started

Download the app from the app store and install it. After starting the app for the first time you will be asked to read and agree to the terms of service and privacy policy. Press accept to continue. You will then be asked to accept the requests for permissions to allow notifications and to record audio using the devices Mic. On the Android version additional permissions may be required for file storage and reading.

Main Menu

From the main menu you can access the two core screens of the app. The Play Screen and the Record Screen. You can also see basic stats and if you have received new luv notes from users you will see alerts here. In order to use all the features you should select a unique memorable username for yourself. The app will check if it is available. If it is great! If not try adding a number at the end or choose something different. We advise using a username with no spaces or symbols. The letter does not matter too much so feel free to capitalise letters. The username can also be your mobile number however you might want to prefix it using your country code as users in different countries may share the same mobile number.

Record Screen

Press REC on the main menu to access the Record Screen. Before you can record a voice luv note, be sure your device mic is working and that you have given the app the required permissions. To start with you must select or set the phrase to record as a vocal. Press on the section labelled ‘Text / Phrase’ and you will be presented with many pre-written luv notes. You can also select Custom Phrase and enter your own text. Once set you can now record your voice. Press the Rec button in the middle and it will turn red to show its recording. You will have upto 12 seconds to record your voice saying the luv note text. You can see the seconds remaining above the button once its recording. You can press the Rec button again to stop or wait for it to stop. Once recorded the Preview and Accept buttons become available. Press Preview to listen to your recording. If you are not happy press Rec button and start again. If you are happy Press the accept button to save the new luv note to you ‘My Luv Notes’ list.

Play Screen

On the Play Screen you have the option to listen to luv notes you have recorded, luv notes you have received from other users and luv notes in your favourites list. In the top section labelled “My Luv Notes” you have the following buttons:

  • Listen / Send – Click on this to listen to luv notes you have recorded on your device with the app. You have the option to delete ones you dont want. You can also press the blue send button to send the luv note to a loved one. In order to do this you will need their username. Make sure you spelll it correctly and use the right spaces. Once you have pressed OK, the app will check if the user is available to share to. You will be notified if it has been sent successfully and the luv note will automatically be deleted.
  • Delete All Luv Notes – Press this to delete all your recorded luv notes from your device storage and My Luv Notes list. It will also delete all the luv notes that you have sent and which have not been downloaded by the recipient; the audio file will be deleted from the server and the details removed from the database. This will not delete received luv notes.

In the Received notes section you have the following buttons:

  • Other Luv Notes – Press this to see a list of all the luv notes you have received from other users. You can press the pink button with the heart to add that luv note to your favourites playlist. For each luv note you also have the option to play and delete it.
  • Favs & Schedule – Press this to access the Favourites Playlist and to Setup Scheduled Play of luve notes in your favourites.

Favourites Playlist

In the Manage Favourites section you can press Play to view, play and delete luv notes in your favourites play list. After you press Play you will see a list and at the top there are 3 buttons. The green button is to Play All the luv notes in the playlist back to back. The blue button in the middle is to shuffle the play list. You can also press the red Delete All button to clear the play list. Please note deleting a luv note from your favourites does not delete it from your app or device. You can toggle Repeat Play mode and Random Play. If Repeat mode is enabled the playlist will loop indefinitely.

Scheduled Play

Once you have several luv notes in your playlist you can enable Scheduled Play by pressing the Start / Stop toggle button to ON position. You can press randomize to randomly select a luv note for each scheduled slot. Once enabled the app will setup local push notifications on your device to pop up after every interval as set in the app, for example every 1 hour. So if you have 10 luv notes in your Favourites and have set the interval as 4 hours, the app will setup 10 local push notifications at 4 hourly intervals and so you will receive a push notification from the app every 4 hours.

You can cancel all scheduled push notifications by setting the Start / Stop toggle to OFF position.

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